10 Things I Like To Share From "Steal Like An Artist" By Austin Kleon

10 Things I Like To Share From "Steal Like An Artist" By Austin Kleon
  1. Art is developed through time and through " Stealing." Nobody owns anything. Everyone has their eye on something. You can't draw a star 10 times and expect it to be the same 10 times. It slowly changes through your vision.
  2. What ever you come across something that you like, do it. Start a blog and write what you want to read. Have a clear audience aim.
  3. Going back to Nothing is original, if you like something from a book or a film and would like to use it as an inspiration then go for it.
  4. Steal like an artist and not a thief. You are an artist, art is create from inspiration you find. The way to steal is to not take the entire idea but take it as an inspiration and develop it in to your own style and vision.
  5. What story you want to read, want to see or want to show. Do it. Don't be the person who imagine what they want but don't get on with it.
  6. I used to draw stuff on my phone but now, I am transitioning to paper. It's better and authentic.
  7. Do something on the side that helps you and improves you as a person.
  8. Be nice to whoever you meet. You won't know who you'll meet and what will happen after.
  9. Don't write something you don't know and don't put something you are not confident in on social media.
  10. Have fun. When we want something, we can often take it very seriously but we forget that if you love something, it is suppose to be fun. It's good to take it seriously but there is a balance.