20 Years In

20 Years In
Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko / Unsplash

One will come to a time in life where things change, interest develop and life moves on. I have had an amazing time through my years in Thailand. Ones which I will never forget. It has been complicated at times but it came out well in the end.

I learnt that my own company is enough. I don't need to feel embarrassed eating on my own, travelling on my own, in fact doing anything by myself. All I had was me and it was enough.

Enjoy life while I can. Horses and my father helped me have for me, a great childhood. They fulfilled everything that happened and I love them. Horses hold dear to my heart, and will forever be there with me where ever I go or what ever I do.

Appreciate the good and learn from the bad. Things happen, friends you had in school have things that will interest them and you'll also have interests also. You slowly move apart. However, those experience will make you grow and when you come back to them, you'd realise how much you all have grown and you' d feel you all never really left.