2024 has gone by fast, we are now in the third month of the year and a lot of things have happened in my life in a good way. Here are things that happened that I'm great full for.

  1. A lesson that I have learnt is it's not easy even though it looks easy. I thought pre-production would be less stressful but turns out it is pretty stressful. I realise me as a director have to think a lot about other things when thinking of shots and, budget and the space of the place. I will get better at it.
  2. I'm not very good at organising yet. My directional skills are being limited by being afraid of saying something wrong. I feel I don't need to be afraid of it. I'm at the stage of learning mistakes are normal. I think that is what was stopping myself to giving the actors too much. I know I can be better at that.
  3. I love acting. I have known this for a while but this year I was able to be in projects that is truly close to my heart. I am an actor on a short telling the story of the Thai culture, and a supporting on a short which I directed and it was fun and amazing.
  4. I'm a step closer than I was last year. Every year I fight to be somewhere closer than I want to be. I am close now. I see things and opportunities that come to me and take it.
  5. Habits are an important part of getting things done. It is a continuous journey of discovering habits that will help me through my journey.

2024 So Far...