A mistake in London

A mistake in London
Photo by Heidi Fin / Unsplash

My university life started in September last year. I took a foundation course in Humanities and Social Science. I applied through clearing so it was pretty late when I applied. I had to get a IELTS test to prove my English which I got a 6.5 overall. It is pretty low than I expected it but I got in to university anyway.

The third day of university was the worst day of uni. I remember the professors handing a paper to us to check which group are we in. I wasn't on the papers so I had to go and talk with head of the Foundation. Turns out it was a mistake. The professor told me that my one of my IELTS did not hit the mark ( Which I was aware of) to get in to the course in the first place. I stood up for myself because I worked hard for this and I felt it wasn't fare to have me quit from the admissions mistake. I was upset and angry of course. I was taking Politics, English, Film studies and English Literature. He told me to change modules and so I did. I change from Politics to Human Geography and English Literature to Japanese. The position the university put me in was painful and unprofessional. I never told anyone about this apart from my Russian friend and my family. That week was the time I cried the most. The second week was better but through out the year I lived with that situation in my head. I can understand now why he was very strict about it. The course was intense, there was a lot of reading and full of people who deserved to be there.

My favourite class was Film Studies. I felt it was the only class where I didn't feel dumb and I was able to give opinions on it. I was able to write more and watch movies which I never thought I would. An example of Cleo di 5 a 7/ Cleo from 5-7. A French new wave film which follows the day of a girl who is waiting for her medical results. I was able to learn the development of films from Italian Neorealism to the New Hollywood. My writing wasn't terribly good but my lecturer always helped me and gave me advice on how I can improve my writing.

What I found the hardest was Japanese. Although, sensei ( Which means teacher in Japanese) was very helpful and tries to help us when we need it, I was still bad at it. My first semester was fine. I was also getting used to the teaching style as well since I come from a country where opinions aren't allowed or to be said. I just finished the Human Geography exam and Japanese exam. Did not complete the Japanese exam which is one of the hardest exams I have taken. Human Geography was good. I might have been stunned by the last question but it was still better than Japanese.

I'm glad that I am finishing this course and will be moving onto something which I will be good at and I will make an impact on. My time at university has made me realise a lot of things about myself.