Breaking the wall of shyness

Breaking the wall of shyness
Photo by Jon Tyson / Unsplash

When I was a kid, I was very shy. I never wanted to be part of anything that's in the centre of attention. I found it to be very scary, uncomfortable and intimidating. My appearance did not help of course because I am bilingual and I have a strong European appearance in a town where foreigners weren't common and this caught people's attention. I decided to break the wall in 2017.

I decided by breaking the wall by agreeing to perform on stage in 2017. Although I did not enjoy  being in events which are in the centre of the people's eyes, I agreed to do so because I was given a role which I was comfortable enough to express myself and didn't feel like I would embarrass myself. The show we performed was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and I portrayed the Huntsman.

Rehearsals weren't always fun, the room was filled with confident people and I put myself below them which did not help of course. As time went by I started to get used to performing in front of people but I was still shy. The day of the performance came and I was dying inside. I was scared of going out on stage to all the people in my school. When I stepped out on to the centre of the stage, all my fears went away. I felt that everything I thought was just me overthinking and letting my shyness take over me. After the show was done, I felt great and felt I wanted to do more. I then started hosting events at school and that is how I became confident than I was ever before.

The key of breaking my shyness is me stepping out of my zone. The advice I would give to whoever is feeling shy and wanting to break the wall, is

" Take a step out by expressing yourself with a way you feel comfortable. These things take time but it is worth the wait. You should never give up on yourself and never let self doubt over take how good you are. Always be open to opportunities which would lead you to a new and better person".