Burnt Out

Burnt Out
Photo by Victoria Strukovskaya / Unsplash

When working my dreams, I get so hang over by it I forget that I need to take a break. I know there are people who can go with out one but I come to the realisation that I am not one of them. I always want to do the things I care about and do my best in it. But with me being burnt out, I don't do those things with my best.

Being burnt out did not give me the best result in my work. I force myself to write, force myself to write at lowest standards. I didn't like the results. I wanted the results to be better and those results made me realise that I have been putting myself through hell just to keep my consistency in writing. That didn't work.

I decided that Sundays, I focus on my surroundings, go for a run or' do yoga and have a great time away from writing. I found that giving me better results in writing. I get to write more and better quality than I used to. I still struggle a bit moving away from that but it is getting better.

If you are one of those people who is burnt out or not writing quality scripts the way you like, try scheduling a day to have a break from it. resting isn't a treat, it is a necessity. Don't write, just focus on yourself.