Diaries On Set: Camera Operator

Diaries On Set: Camera Operator
Photo by Jakob Owens / Unsplash

I had my first days on set as camera operator. Was fun and a good experience. For the first time as camera operator on set, here's what I thought.

  1. Sometimes I felt like no one was talking to me. I tried to communicate to the DP but they went straight to someone else. I tried to give ideas but still didn't really listen.
  2. No one seemed to trust me so much. I don't know if it's me overthinking, I just feel that I could've done more if the DP came and see what's going on. I know the shots that I'll be doing but still, no one listened. This is how I think about it right now. Maybe when I look back I'll probably think about this differently.
  3. However, I enjoyed every moment of it and loved it. No matter role you are, you have a reason to be there.

It felt amazing to be part of the team and to be able to work with friends and the camera. the more I work with the camera, the more I feel like I'm getting better. I still struggle with some bits but I am able to work it with in a safe environment without ruining the equipment.

I think once I'm working with cameras and being around them more, it makes me excited to work more on camera and see what I can make with it.