Habits To Have For A Good Lifestyle: Productivity🖋, Routine

Habits To Have For A Good Lifestyle: Productivity🖋, Routine

I didn't always use to have good habits. Never really worked out. Although I had horse riding, after 2020 I didn't really go back to it until 2021. I then decided that I wanted to build muscle. So I did, start doing that. But with that ambition came a lot of discipline and failing. Here are the Habits that I have that might be good for you and your lifestyle.

1.Creating a routine

One of the reasons that I was able to start doing what I want to do is starting a routine. I set a time for my exercising. I do my exercise in the evenings because I am usually studying on zoom back then. I created a routine using Notes. It was a simple but helpful app. I started working out consistently. I gained the habit of working out 7 days a week which I soon realised that working out 7 days a week isn't the smartest way. So I started learning new skills and improving my old ones.

I have a routine for my writing right now which is in the morning after I wake up. It's the first thing I do. Then I go to school and study. I have drama so I try to get a rehearsal in before leaving.

2.Creating a deadline.

You might have an idea or a meeting with someone or your family. You should get in to the habit of scheduling events. I am still getting use to it and it is not an easy process. You're old habits are going to kick in and that is fine. It's a developing process and that doesn't take a night to fix.

Just the regular calendar on your phone and set deadlines for it. I use the notion app. It's an app that puts everything in one place, your documents and videos and schedules. So you should check that out.

3.Don't expect a one night miracle

Changing a bad habit is a journey. So don't give up if you don't see it the next day. A tree doesn't fully grow in one day does it? Think of a tree as a new habit you are trying to build. Every day you water the plant, it slowly grows. You are the person watering the plant and the plant is the new habit you are trying to build and grow. You work on changing your habits everyday, the new habit slowly grows giving you a new tree that has a purpose to stay.

4.Make it a today change

Don't wait next year to change your bad habits. Do it today. You can just take a walk around the block if you are wanting to get in to exercise more. Put books around the room and read if you want to reduce your screen time. Read the things you enjoy. Set a deadline for yourself if you are writing an essay. Write down things to do if you want to get things done and know what you are doing for the day. Theses are little changes that will give bigger results.

These changes are also a simple today change. Put your shoes on and go out for a walk. Putting books around the room to read. Setting a deadline. Writing down the things you want to do for the day. You'll see and feel progress. Of course, it's not a one night miracle but it's a miracle.

5.Changing little habits results change in bigger ones

As to what I mentioned earlier, if you want to change the habits of being on the phone for too long, put books around the rooms and read them. These are little habits.

I got in to the habit of rehearsing my script everyday for my acting. I had a summer off my drama school and spent that time to practice. When I got back to my drama school, I was better. I was so happy with myself because I saw improvements. It took a while but it was worth it.

So, every habit that has a negative impact on your daily life, you still have time to change it. So, if you feel you are on the phone too much, do something that is not on the phone. Or, if you are on the phone watching a lot of nonsense, change to watch a educational video. These are the little changes that will give remarkable results.