Having The Courage To Talk

Having The Courage To Talk
Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko / Unsplash

If you are feeling you have something in your mind that is bothering you, all you have to do is talk. Right now, we are still in pre-production. I talked to my teacher about how I am feeling about things. Things that may be my fault and others but have been thrown as mine.

Talking to him really helped me to realise that I don't have to be is hard on myself and all I need to do is to focus on what I have to do and do my best in it.

  1. It helped me feel a bit better in myself and it encouraged me to be okay with this feelings and learn to live with it.
  2. Don't feel like you are on your own and have to keep it to yourself. Talking heals everything.
  3. Don't be afraid. No one will judge how you feel. Everyone in someway has in some way struggled.

All of the things I have said, I'm also telling myself this everyday when ever I have something bothering me.