Living and studying in Thailand

Living and studying in Thailand
Photo by Stacy Ropati / Unsplash

Living in Thailand as a foreigner is interesting. You'll get people saying how pretty you are, how cute you are. Thailand is known for its prostitutes, some people do judge us when we walk around but they soon learnt that we are not like the others.

I remember walking around the market when I was young, people couldn't stop starring at us for most of the time. My father told me about his experiences when he first came to Thailand. "They were probably scared of me" he told me. Kids were also afraid of him at first but once they got use to him, they are all over him. I think the other reason some are scared of him is because foreigners come here to Thailand, they would come and retire and some would marry to get The rights to live here. I never really fitted in with those kind of people. Although as time went by, I began to ignore those things and people started to not look at us as an out cast.

You would be first choice for anything involved speaking English. Most of the time when there is activities such as hosting or competing, I would be involve in it. I usually host as the English language speaker. With me able to speak English fluently, my friends always asks me for help so I do tell them why we use this other than the other. The side which I found the hardest were, although I had the advantage of speaking English fluently, I had a bit of trouble with the grammar. I found that I knew all of the answers without knowing the tenses. When I'm doing tests, most of tests are multiple choice and I find certain questions that able to use more than one of the choices. I tell my friends about it or my teacher and they don't seem to understand what I am talking about. That fusturated me a bit when I was getting ready for a competition.

Take the advantage that you have as an individual.