Movie Review: Will & Harper (2024)

A documentary film follow two best friends and discovering where there friendship is now that one has transitioned. A Netflix documentary starring() and().
The documentary touched heavily on transgender's daily life and reconnecting with a love one. I felt it is an important topic and shows a lot on people's choices of living. Now, there is a lot of controversy where I feel like you don't have to, if you have a way you want to live, live it. Support also makes the process not as scary. The way it was told, it was very realistic making it more engaging though the whole doc. It touched a lot on the daily misgender they go through and how they feel about it.

We saw two point of views, one from Harpers friend, Will and then from harper's view. Two completely different experiences but somehow we felt it. I remember the scene when Harper went in to the bar by herself. It was scary and I was praying all the time nothing bad comes to her. Trans people should not be living with fear and should have the chance to allow themselves to enjoy life without threats.