My experience on set of Peter Pan(2018)

My experience on set of Peter Pan(2018)

     After my experience performing in the production of Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, my class had the opportunity to stage the production of Peter Pan in 2018. I had the opportunity to direct, perform and re write parts of the script. I gain a much more practical experience on this set.

     When my teacher came in and said to my class will have to perform on stage, I was the most excited out of all of my friends. We then began thinking what play could we perform. We need to be able to work with it. We were naming different Disney movies then came Peter Pan. It was a show no one has done before at our school so that is why we thought it would be different story and fun to watch. I then received the Peter Pan script from my teacher. It was one which needed a lot of editing since the grammar was dreadful. That was the first time I actually put my hands on a keyboard and started writing a story. Once I have re-write and edit parts of the script, me and my friends then choose who is portraying which character. I let my friends choose who is playing which character since it would be fair and everyone would be participating in this group project. I portrayed Peter Pan.

      I helped my friends work on the accents as well as how to pronounce words that may be a bit complicated for them. We separated groups in to different departments which include, the props department and costume department. I then go back home and I work look for soundtracks.

       My rehearsals was an experience. I was so happy that I took the opportunity. Working on stage was fun and tiring. I did face many obstacles and inconvenience while rehearsing for the play but it is all a lesson to over come and learn from. A mistake during pre-production was I didn't communicate very well with the costume department which lead to a last minute Peter Pan costume find. That was one of the mistakes that I would always learn from.

      When the day of the performance came. I was very excited to show what we have created. I was also very nervous. My shirt came and I had a shirt for the show. I was worried I would have to wear a different colour but it was all fine. Once the other classes have performed, it was our turn. I had a smile on my face going on to stage, and the eagerness to do my best. The show then began, the crowd cheering us when we went up on stage, and behind the stage were nervous performers. It was an amazing experience and we all worked really hard for the successful outcome.

     This production made me realise a lot of things about myself. How I came from a girl who was very shy to a girl who likes to perform. I also learnt I like to write. I never thought that would happen but here we are now. The courage of being a leader and how I naturally fit into the roll. I never said who was the leader but when there is no leader, I'll be one.

     After the performance, I continue to host events and worked as a background dancer in one of my friends performances on Christmas.

     A mistake which happened on the performance was we were performing a bit in the back of the stage. I was also speaking a bit too fast in some scenes but it is all a lesson to learn for the future.

What has acting given me?-

  • An interest in writing and working behind the scenes. My friends sometimes say I can get very serious but I just get carried away with what I'm doing and I really want the outcome to be a success.
  • It has lead to other interests in the behind the scenes.  It gave me an opportunity to explore other roles in a production such as writing and directing.
  • A sense of awareness towards your surroundings and action
  • Listening is a key factor to a believable and a good performance. This advice can be given to all of the roles. Communication and listening gives you and your co-worker a better understanding on what you are trying to do and achieve.
  • There's always good days and bad days. You'll learn from the bad and good but you'll learn a big lesson on the bad days. Don't quit on a bad day, it is a another obstacles in the game.

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