Being an ACTOR on Set of IDSA Show case(2022)

Being an ACTOR on Set of IDSA Show case(2022)

My time at IDSA)Identity School of Acting) gave me the opportunity to write and perform my first play. I was able to start acting on screen and many more. Today I'talk my experience training at IDSA.

IDSA(Identity School of Acting) is a part-time drama school founded by Femi Ognus in 2003. The school has helped many succeful actors such as John Boyega, Letitia Wright. The school also has it's own agent. I found out about IDSA when I was looking for acting schools in London. I first applied for online classes but didn'take it because of the time difference. I then again applied for the London acting school and got in, in 2022. Since then, I have been training there ever since but it was only this year during the summer I deffered because of work.

I moved to the UK to pursue a career in acting. I wanted a place where I was able to train intensively as an actor and learn new skills along the way. I ended up studying at university and training at the same time. Classes finishes pretty late and I didn't tell my mum what time do I get home. I had the chance to do a bunch of new things which includes acting on screen and writing my first play.

For my screen acting class, I had the chance to perform different scripts from popular TV series which included Riverdale. I learn a lot about myself in this class. I was able to teach myself how to break down a script and to know more about what I need to know about this characters. I was also able to operate on the cameras and work on  being a script supervisor.

At IDSA I was also able to perform my first play in front of other students and the vice president. My teacher created a theme and we had to find a script or write. I decided to write a play about ex-lovers having a conversation about an apartment which they bought together. At first, I wrote the play and it was very long so I had to cut and rephrase some parts of the script. I wasn't so sure at first whether it was a good idea to write but I then got feedback from my friends and they liked it. So I used that and performed my play.

Rehearsing it wasn't that bad but it went through a lot of edits. Me and my co-star edited some of the edits together and my teacher also edited some. The day of the performance came, I was excited to perform my piece in front of everyone. Once the performance was done, we got a speech from the vice president and it was an amazing experience.

The training at IDSA gave me the chance to perform in front of others and show my talent. I have grown as an actor since I 've been there. I have the chance to perform in front of agents which will help me improve myself and have the chance to get an acting break through. I am able to receive feedback from the president and understand what I can improve to make myself stand out.

Here is my acting CV:


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