On set of my FIRST short film(2023)

On set of my FIRST short film(2023)

In the beginning of 2023, I decided to make my FIRST short film. A short film that I would look back and see how cheesy it is and how far I've come. It was also my first time being on set of a film. I experienced how my creativity is and how much I have to learn. I did encounter many obstacles on my post production.

I was in university and realise this isn't the right path for me. I was doing Humanity and Social Science including Film, English, Human Geography and Japanese. I wasn't planning to take Human Geography and Japanese but I had to for the reason I stated in my blog " A mistake in London." Anyway, fast forward to the second semester in February, my Film lecturer told me that my academic skills so far would not be able to survive in the Undergraduate course that I was trying to do which was Film studies. I didn't take any offence to it because she is trying to help. She did tell me that I did have a good eye. I then looked up on film schools. I found two that I was interested in, Met film school and London Film Academy. I took a tour around the school, I was very over whelmed by it but second one sold me.

I then started writing my script. I was thinking about what I could tell about the world today. I then came across telling a story of a girl who was sick of waking up everyday to the same job and routine. One day she does her morning routine and is about to go out when she sees a box. She approaches the box and gets sucked into it. However, the same person comes in but happier and is wearing different clothes. That was the first idea that came in to my head. I then though about another story that would fit in with the equipment and budget that I have. I then came to the final draft making the ending an open ending. It was inspired by Italian Neorealism. I loved the ending so went with it.

Next stop, I did my story board, camera angles and start shooting. I filmed it for two days and it was fun but exhausting. The last scene I shot was the kitchen which I filmed at the night.

Started editing which took the longest because lost the final draft and most of the footage. I went through a horrible time and felt terrible. I remember not wanting to just leave it at just that, I WANTED it to be a success.

I edited and filmed all over again and ofcourse, it was a success. I am so glad I did not give up let it ruin me. I use ruined because it is what I want and what I am good at. If I gave up on a thing that I am good at, I've lost in life and will never find anything that would make me happy for doing it.

Finished editing and .... WOW. I made my FIRST  SHORT FILM! It is an amazing feeling that I have successfully overcome the obstacle and finished my film having something to look back to.

" Don't give up, fall, rise and fight to succeed, that's life"