Being an ACTOR on set of Snow White and the Five Dwarfs (2019)

Being an ACTOR on set of Snow White and the Five Dwarfs (2019)

In 2019, I started high school. The Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was my first project in high school. It was also my first acting competition. I did do a lot of storytelling when I was young but I didn't keep it up. The opportunity came up for a competition in storytelling. Although it's the same story that I had for my first acting project( Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs), the tricky part was breaking it down to a 10-15 minute performance. And this is how it went...

The opportunity came in when my teacher came up to me saying there's a storytelling competition that I might be interested in. I agreed and asked some of my friends who although weren't interested in acting but wanted to do a degree that involves English. We formed a group chat and started discussing about the competition. We agreed on the show Snow White and The Five Dwarfs because it was a story that we are familiar with and is the right fit for the time that we had and the actors that we are allowed. We started rehearsing and figuring out how to make this work. Some were rotated between two characters such as me, who was The Narrator and The Prince. We rented out costumes that were affordable and made props the best we could.

We work as a team and that is how I got most of my team work skills by working on these productions. My teacher got annoyed with us a bit because we were playing a lot and we were looking outside instead of practicing, so she said she can just stop and withdraw us from the competition if we don't stop playing around. That  switched us and we started taking practice seriously. We did have laughs and giggles but when we work, we work.

We found a costume place where the price was in our budget. some props we got were from home whereas some we made and bought it. One of the issues that I still had was I was speaking fast and not loud enough. I did however, tried to improve my voice and to express it more through the whole process of rehearsing. It did get better but I know I had to be louder than my last rehearsal when it came to the competition.

The performance day came by and I was ready. We got on the school bus to the competition. We rehearsed a couple of times before going in to the room. When we saw other schools props and costumes and were like... WOW. They were over the top with majestic outfits. Of course that got us worried, but we had to give it our best even though our best might not give us the outcome we want.  

We came second! It was an amazing feeling and a huge accomplishment that I am very proud of. Then... 2020 I was stuck in the UK for 6 months. That is also the beginning of my training to be an actor.

Give it your best, it's good to play around sometimes but never let it shadow your performance