Getting in to acting

Getting in to acting

Acting was never a thing I would go near when I was young. I hated it, I hated performing in front of crowds and being in the centre. I remember my teacher coming up to me and asking whether I want to hold the school sign, I wasn't always sure of it but I always said yes. I had the opportunity to hold it for three years then something switch in me. Suddenly, I agreed to act on stage!

The thing is when I look back, I realise that the things that I used to hate always comes to me freely and I always agreed doing it. I had the choice and the funny thing is I agreed to almost all of the opportunities apart from when my teacher asked me to dance the traditional Thai dance. That was the only time I refused to perform.

I had my acting debut on stage as the Huntsman in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 2017. The funny thing is that is how I decided to pursue in acting as a career. I seek for opportunities performing on stage. I had a lot of hosting events at my school and I was the new me where I was confident than I was before.

I then had my first lead role in 2018 portraying Peter Pan. With my eagerness to perform and the excitement which I had for this production, I also was able to direct, re write parts of the scripts and gaining my friends trust by leading and guiding them through this production. This year was also when I realise I was also very interested in behind the scenes as well. In 2019, I competed in a storytelling competition where I was the prince and narrator. Telling the story of Snow White and the Five Dwarfs, me and my friends came in second. It was one of the proudest moments of my life.

I started finding acting schools in 2020, when the pandemic hit, my family and I weren't able to return to Thailand so when the lock down eased, I found " Pauline Quirke Academy", in Maidenhead. I was able to train for 4 weeks, I gained more confident there because I was able to sing and dance which are the things I do not normally do. Then I returned to Thailand and found an academy called Kru Nghor Academy where it was mainly acting training.

I had plans moving here to the UK for education and applied for Drama schools. I applied to five schools including LAMDA, RADA, Guildhall, Mountview and Oxford. I didn't get in anywhere. I got a recall at Mountview and flew to the UK mainly for the audition. Once I got there, the nerves got me. I was filled with confident people around me. It didn't get to me that much, maybe because my main priority was to go and do my best. The audition was a full day and I didn't get through to the final round. I realised Drama School wasn't the right choice for me. I was upset but at the same time, reality hit me that I had a lot of work to do. I decided to apply to IDSA(Identity School of Acting), a part time acting school in London.

IDSA is a part-time acting school and is the right fit for me. Because I am wanting to do other stuff to improve myself, it gave me the intensive training and the opportunity to perform on stage. I am still studying at IDSA and have performed my first script which I wrote.

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