Scheduling Time To Do What You Love

Scheduling Time To Do What You Love
Photo by Lucian Alexe / Unsplash

With the busy schedules and that full-time job, a lot struggle to either find peace for one's self or to do something they care about. I am still one of them. I spend my days either in school then evening working. I don't get much of a chance to write or go ride horses. Especially riding horses. I used to ride every Saturday and Sunday where as now, I don't anymore. However, I realised recently I haven't been reading as much or writing either. This frustrates me.

If you have a busy schedule, you can always find time to write. It is either in your break hours, after work or even mornings before you head off to work. Those times are the golden times for you and your writing, use it. I still am getting better at it. It is going to takes sometime but it will be worth it.

I have been lacking a bit with that. My energy has been mainly on my musical I feel like I can't concentrate on other things so much. I am looking forward to the musical but it is draining and exhausting. I try to find time to read or write, closer to the shoot for me I finished two or three scripts which I wrote. I'm very happy about it.