The world of filmmaking has moved forward so rapidly through the decades. We have experienced change in shooting movies, the use of the digital camera and the improvement in quality. Now, we are entering another big change, bigger and for better or for worse, it is already making a big change in the creative world.


An obvious change in movies that us audience see through clearly is VFX. Through the box office hit, the hit franchise Harry Potter to the Avengers End Game, there is a huge difference in the VFX. It has rapidly developed through the times and now it is now entering the AI era. It will enable advantages such as the cheap cost, creating human faces, movement of camera and editing. Giving an example, Jurassic Park. The film has VFX heavily involved with the Dinosaurs.


We are seeing some software's prioritising in writing screen plays. Though as someone who has used it before, I can tell there is a lot to improve in it. For example when brain storming it is very limited in the subject. It keeps coming round to the same thing which kind of limits the creativity. Shows that it can be sometimes useful but also as a writer, we are more open to unique story telling and weird situations more. We are able to find over the rails situations to give the script an excitement.

However, AI is really helpful finding useful information about the sources and helps you research and that side of AI can really help with you research.

So far, ,these are thee two things that I have found when using AI. Both useful and I feel it really helps me write and make films.

The Future Of AI In Film