Windsor Horse Show 2023

Windsor Horse Show 2023
Photo by K. Mitch Hodge / Unsplash

Windsor Horse Show 2023 is my first horse show which I had the opportunity to go. I saw amazing riding and events.

The Windsor horse show was founded in 1943 to help raise fund for the war effort. It was first organised as a horse and dog show. It first took place on Wednesday 26th May 1943 and raised £391,197 which was enough to buy 78 Typhoon fighter aircraft. It was attended by King George VI, Queen Elizabeth(Queens mother), princess Margaret and Elizabeth.

In 1944, a dog stole chicken from King George's plate which caused dogs to be banned from the show ever since after the committee found this incident to be horrifying. The shows were soon extended to 5 days in 1977. Queen Elizabeth attended the event and was keen on horsewomen. The duke of Edingbruh also participated in International Driving Grand Prix and retired in 2003.

My first day at the Horse show, I watch the show jumping first and the fences were bigger than what I see on TV. They were beautiful and amato see in real life. The horses and riders were amazing. My plan was to go see the endurance in the morning but I was late so didn't get to see much. I then went and watch the horse and hound. It was different than what I expected but what impressed me was the riding and how they vote who wins, because in my eyes, I found it hard to judge who did better. In the afternoon, I watch the shetland pony grand national which was amazing. The ponies were very cute and the young riders did an amazing job. They the crowd and made it a memorable match. I also went and look at Polo classes which will be a good experience. I did go see a competition judging the way they run and stop which was... New. Coming to the end of the day, I got to see the kings troop which was magical. One of the horses was being naughty but the Prince of Edingbrugh was there and it was amazing. I then went to watch the side saddle. Talented riders and I did try riding side saddle once.

For my first time going to a horse show, I enjoyed it. There was a lot of shops to walk around and shows to watch. The weather was cold and it also didn't help that I was wearing just one layer.


Royal Windsor Horse Show History • Royal Windsor Horse Show