Moving Away: Voyage á Nice

Moving Away: Voyage á Nice

When you come to a part in life when you are leaving home, going to university or going to study abroad. Saying goodbye is one of the worst things a person can experience.

Moving on is a learning process towards growing up. We move on to open up new and better experiences. Not because we want to but we have to. Time isn't on own side, it's against you. You fight every day to accomplish but time never stops.  That is why moving on is the best experience we could do. Moving away from Thailand was the best decision I could make. I grew and saw things that my younger self would not believe to have existed in the real world.

You'd get the freedom. Free to make your own decisions, free to do what you want to do but will have to live with the consequences of your own actions. It has it's perks but also it's down sides. Having to look after yourself and making decisions is terrifying.

The best thing I have ever done to myself, is to move out from my comfort zone. Moving away to a country where I couldn't speak their language very well. The more I think about it, the more I wonder how many kids are sitting around waiting for something to happen. They want success but they don't look for it, they wait for it to come to them.


Luck  comes to you when you work for it. You are lucky enough to have the opportunity in life to go to a country to gain a higher education or study a language. Research have found that 20.9% are international students. Those students including me, are lucky to have the chance to gain a good degree in a country that their education is well respected. Life is too short to be losing great opportunities like this just because you are scared. You should be scared when you don't have that chance anymore. So, learn to take advantage with the things you have because their are many who want that luck.

Take a walk around the city. Walking around the city can bring you peace and an insight of how things are different. On a stroll you may find a story to tell. A story of a boy selling jewellery in a local market hoping that one day he will become and astronaut. A lot of things around Nice had a story. A brick on the walls, the pink house or even the a boat on the shore, filled with seaweed and rubbish.

" Learn to take advantage with the things you have"