The Little Changes In Habit Results In A Better Self: Making It Your Day 1

The Little Changes In Habit Results In A Better Self: Making It Your Day 1
Photo by Lala Azizli / Unsplash

Throw back to 2021, I decided to change.  I was often eating unhealthy food and not really working out. I did horse riding once or twice a week but had to take a break in 2020 because of Covid-19. I didn't feel comfortable with myself, I didn't look good in the clothes I wanted to look good in, I was thinking negatively about a lot of things in life and about the future. That's when I started to change my routine, my eating habits, my mindset, learn new skills and how money works. I set up a schedule that I could follow and I made it my day 1.

I decided to change because I had just graduated from high school so I had some time on my hands. I started to exercise because I didn't like how I looked when wearing clothes, I didn't like how I looked out of shape, I wasn't eating healthily. I wasn't learning extra skills to improve myself. I wanted to change myself, my mindset and my future.

I started exercising at home getting workouts from a youtuber called Emi Wong. I started to go running in the evenings. I set my goal to get stronger. I did over time and being consistent with my exercises, routine and what I ate, I started to see results. I started having salad roles and fruits. I remember getting salad rolls which cost around 20 baht (£0.45) which is very cheap. I did have cheat days which were on Sundays. I loved them, I felt like I deserved that. I started teaching myself the guitar which was a challenge but I made it! ( Recently I bought myself a guitar from my hard earned money which I am really happy with. Haven't been playing the guitar for over a year since I moved out but I have still got it!).

I started changing my mindset into believing that the only way I can achieve my goals is to get on with it! If you want to get in good shape, get on with exercising, if you want to learn to play a guitar, get on with practicing the guitar. There are tutorials everywhere now and if you want to change your future, get on with trying to make it happen.

The results are that I am happier, healthier and excited for the future. I'm so excited thinking about where I will end up. Not only the future is scary, the future will show you how much you have worked to change and build. Starting to really look after myself was the best decision, I still go to Swensen (An ice-cream shop in Thailand) with my family but I limit it. I started to see results in myself and my appearance. I was in the healthiest body, mindset and routine I have ever been in.

My regret is not documenting it. When you are working on yourself the best thing you can do is to document it. I have the regret of not documenting what I was doing, what I was working on and my results. I know my present self shows how much I have changed but that doesn't cover how much I did to reach who I am today. I know from looking back, I am so glad I didn't go out partying, hardly drank but I wish I had something to look back on to see how disciplined and consistent I needed to be to become the person I am today. You can go and look at my videos on my blog. I document my life to see what I do and how my routine goes.
