My Life In London: Habits And Managing Time For Your Pleasure

My Life In London: Habits And Managing Time For Your Pleasure

Life in London is hectic. I sometimes feel exhausted from the work and wish I could just get out but I can't. It's beautiful with everything London has to offer but sometimes, work kills me and I can't really enjoy the time here and I get carried away with it. The more I think about it, the more I feel I am a workaholic

If you want to come here to study, you'll have most of the time stressing about work. If you are coming here to visit, enjoy it!

Busy? yes. Fun? yeah. Freedom? a lot.

My school, I don't know how to feel about it yet. I sometimes feel that I can't seem to lie an opinion yet. It's pretty exhausting and it's worse because there is so much time on my hands. I use the time to write my stuff.

Although the down side is I stay in my room most of the time, I can at least take a good look at my habits.

I now have a list of things I do for the week, I write stuff down an app called notion. The things I want to do for the day. I write it down.

I also get sick as well. Often than I was in Thailand. Sneezing all the time is so annoying. I'm glad I'm not getting it as bad as other people are getting.

Right now I'm currently in the process of making a short film. The bad news is that, the person I'm using the place told me I can't film there anymore. Crazy things. So will have to reschedule the filming again.

I'm not playing any instruments so much which is annoying. However, recently I have started a new habit. I usually get back to my room late because of extra classes and work. I get back around 10 or 11pm. I used to tell myself I'll write my journal and read a book tomorrow to cover up today but now, I say I have to write my journal and read a book before I get to bed. I feel really good after that.

Another habit I still working on is waking up early. I set the alarm for 6 o'clock but because I get back late and to sleep pretty late, I wake up 7 or 8. It's not that bad but it's not good. I am trying to fix it right now.

I read the book Atomic Habits and it gives really good techniques in changing bad habits in to good habits. I can give on example. So in the book he gives an example of changing a habit with the 2 minute technique. So when you're wanting to get in to the habit of going to the gym, go to the gym and stay there for 2 minuets then leave and don't go over time. Then once you've gone to the gym daily, you can stay longer and work out. This is one of ways he mentioned in the book for changing habits.

There is another way of changing of habits which is to do something easy first. When I was wanting to start exercising, I didn't know where to start. I didn't feel like going to the gym because I didn't know what to do there. So I decided to work out at home with easy work out first and short work outs lasting around 10 minutes a day. It was exhausting but it had to be done. I then up the levels of working out a bit more. I then found a programme on Youtube and started following it. I started eating healthy and better. I didn't have a strict diet but I was eating better than I was before.